How to Prep for a Design Intensive: Your Guide to a Seamless Brand Transformation

So, you’ve been thinking about booking a Design Intensive—or maybe you’ve already booked one (in which case, you’re in for an exciting ride!). Either way, you’re probably wondering what to expect and how to make sure you’re fully prepared. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

A Design Intensive is like the ultimate VIP treatment for your brand or website. It’s quick, strategic, and focused entirely on getting you the results you’ve been dreaming of. If you’re ready to ditch the DIY approach, elevate your business, and finally have a brand or website that reflects your vision, a Design Intensive is exactly what you need. (Psst... if you’re still on the fence, check out this post to learn more about the benefits of a Design Intensive.)

Whether you’ve already booked or you’re thinking about it, let’s dive into the details so you know exactly how to prepare and get the most out of this experience.

Pre-Intensive Checklist: Let’s Get Organized

Now that you’re considering (or have already booked) a Design Intensive, let’s talk prep. A Design Intensive moves fast—like, two weeks fast—so being prepared is key. Think of it like prepping for a vacation: the better packed you are, the more fun you’ll have.

Here’s what you’ll need to gather:

  1. Brand Messaging + Voice:
    Before we jump into design, you need to have a clear sense of your brand’s voice. What do you want your brand to sound like? Who are you speaking to? Whether you’ve got a brand voice guide or just a few notes on how you want your audience to feel, we’ll use this to make sure your visuals and messaging are aligned.

  2. Your Current Visual Assets:
    Logos, color palettes, fonts—anything that represents your current visual identity. Even if we’re doing a full redesign, we need to know where you’re starting from. Have an inspo board or examples of brands you love? Send those over too—it helps us get a clear vision of your style and goals.

  3. Your Website Goals:
    If your Intensive is focused on your website, think about what you actually need it to do. Do you need a booking system? A shop? A place to showcase your portfolio? Having a clear idea of your website’s functionality will make the design process smoother and more strategic.

  4. Audience Details:
    Who are you trying to attract with your brand or website? What are their pain points? What do they value? Knowing your target audience inside and out will help us design a brand or website that speaks directly to them.

Materials & Information: Your Essential Prep Kit

To make the most of our time together, it’s important to come prepared. Whether you’re working with me on branding, a website, or both, here’s what you’ll need to have ready:

  1. Copy (Yes, It Matters!)
    Your design and copy go hand in hand, so you’ll need to have your content ready before we start. This means your website copy, product descriptions, or brand story should be polished and good to go. Need help with writing? No worries—we can talk about that too!

  2. Professional Photos
    If you’ve got high-quality images that reflect your brand, now’s the time to gather them. Professional headshots, product shots, or any on-brand visuals will elevate your design and help us create something that looks polished and cohesive.

  3. A Design Wish List
    Is there a feature or design element you’ve always wanted? Maybe it’s a sleek contact form, a booking calendar, or a show-stopping portfolio page. Whatever it is, make a list! This helps us prioritize what’s most important to you during the Design Intensive.

The Timeline: How It All Goes Down

Let’s break down the two-week whirlwind of your Design Intensive. This timeline will give you an idea of what to expect once we get started:

  1. Week 1: Discovery & Strategy & Design
    We kick things off by diving deep into your business, brand, and goals. This is where we get super clear on your vision, target audience, and design needs. Think of it as laying the foundation for everything we’ll create. We also start designing here!

  2. Week 2: Development, Refine & Execute!
    Whether we’re working on your brand or website, this is where everything comes to life. We’ll have check-ins to make sure the design is hitting the mark and making you say, “YES. This is it.”

  3. Wrap-Up: The Grand Reveal
    By the end of Week 2, you’ll have a fully designed brand or website ready to launch. And don’t worry—I don’t just hand it off and disappear. You’ll have 30 days of post-project tech support to make sure everything runs smoothly after the launch.

Tips for Collaborating with Your Designer: Be the Dream Client

I’ll be real: the best results come from great collaboration. Here’s how you can help make this experience as seamless (and fun) as possible:

  1. Be Decisive:
    During a Design Intensive, there’s no time for second-guessing. Trust your instincts and be ready to make quick decisions. The faster we move, the sooner we can bring your vision to life.

  2. Give Specific Feedback:
    “I’m not sure, it just doesn’t feel right” won’t cut it. The more specific you are with feedback, the better. If you don’t like a color, font, or layout, tell me why! Clear communication will keep the process moving and ensure you get a design that truly reflects your brand.

  3. Stay Engaged:
    Yes, life is busy, but the more involved you are during our check-ins, the smoother everything will go. Set aside time to review drafts, answer questions, and give feedback. We’re in this together, and your input is crucial!

Let’s Make It Happen

Prepping for a Design Intensive is like setting the stage for a killer performance—when everything’s in place, the show runs smoothly. Whether you’re considering booking a Design Intensive or you’ve already got one on the calendar, this guide will help you get the most out of the process.

By the time we’re done, you’ll have a brand or website that’s not just “good”—it’ll be you. A design that feels aligned with your business goals and resonates with your dream clients.

Ready to take the next step? Let’s get started! You can learn more about what a Design Intensive can do for your business here, or if you're ready to dive in, book your spot today!

Shannon Pruitt

Word & Design Lover. General Officer of All Things (G.O.A.T) at Shannon Pruitt & Co. where we help modern entrepreneurs design a website that feels like home and pinpoints exactly what they want to say. Also loves a good glass of wine at night.

The Fast Lane to a Better Brand: How a Design Intensive Can Change Your Business