Building Genuine Connections as an Online Entrepreneur

Ever found yourself stuck in a late-night Instagram DM conversation that suddenly turned into a pivotal business opportunity? Yep, that happened to me.

I’ll never forget the moment my phone notified me that she sent me a DM. I took another sip of my sleepy tea and swiped open my phone to see a message from some random girl named Emily.

She reached out because one of my posts landed on her Explore page and she liked my work. We started chatting. And the next thing you know, I’m scheduling a phone call with someone who lives 3 timezones away.

The phone call wasn’t even about working together. It was a simple get-to-know-you conversation. (Honestly? I thought it was going to be an eye-roll of a conversation. You know the ones. The ones where someone pitches you something you’re not even remotely interested in? Thankfully it wasn’t.)

That conversation turned into a business friendship and partnership that has helped both our businesses.

And to this day, I still consider Emily one of my most trusted fellow business friends.

That’s the magic of genuine connections in the online world.

So, how the heck do you build these vital connections? Let's look at some strategies that will help you foster meaningful relationships in the digital space.

Strategies for Building Connections

Engaging on Social Media

Social media isn’t just for memes and cat videos (though those are fun too). It’s a powerful tool for building connections.

  • Commenting and Sharing: Engage genuinely with content that resonates with you. Don’t just drop a “nice post” comment. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and offer insights. Genuine engagement sparks meaningful conversations.

  • Direct Messaging: Slide into those DMs with purpose. Please—for the love of EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN—do not be one of “those” who sends an awful cold DM. Whether you’re complimenting someone’s recent blog post or suggesting a collaboration, make your message personal and genuine. Avoid the copy-paste approach. People can spot insincerity from a mile away.

Participating in Online Communities

You can find your people in online communities and forums related to your industry.

  • Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Communities: These platforms host a myriad of groups where you can share your expertise, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Reddit and Niche Forums: Dive into conversations on Reddit threads or niche forums specific to your industry. These spaces are gold mines for networking with passionate individuals who share your interests.

Attending Virtual Events and Webinars

It is SO easy to attend virtual events.

  • Webinars and Online Workshops: Sign up for webinars that pique your interest. Participate actively by asking questions and engaging in post-event discussions. (Aka… don’t do what I tend to do more of than I’d like…don’t be a silent watcher.)

  • Virtual Conferences: These events often have networking sessions where you can meet other attendees. Don’t be shy—introduce yourself and exchange contact information.

Maintaining and Nurturing Relationships

Building connections is just the first step. Maintaining and nurturing these relationships is where the real work begins.

Regularly Check-In

Don’t let your connections fade into the background.

  • Periodic Check-Ins: Send a quick message to say hi, ask about their latest project, or share something you think they’d find interesting. Regular touchpoints keep the relationship alive. Look—if you have to put this as a reminder on your calendar, then do it.

Collaborate on Projects

Collaboration is a fantastic way to strengthen connections.

  • Joint Ventures: Find ways to collaborate on projects that benefit both parties. Whether it’s co-hosting a webinar or launching a joint product, working together builds trust and camaraderie.

  • Cross-Promotions: Promote each other’s content, products, or services. This not only helps both businesses grow but also solidifies your relationship.

Send Personalized Notes or Emails

A little appreciation goes a long way.

  • Thank You Notes: After a successful collaboration or valuable advice, send a personalized thank-you note. It shows that you value their contribution and are grateful for the relationship.

  • Birthday or Anniversary Messages: Remembering and acknowledging personal milestones strengthens your bond and shows that you care about them beyond the professional realm.

Having a solid network is like having your own VIP backstage pass to the world of online business—filled with opportunities, support, and plenty of growth. The best part? These connections turn into collaborations, friendships, and a reliable support system that’s there when you need it most.

From engaging on social media to participating in online communities and attending virtual events, there are so many ways to build your network. And once you've made those connections, keep them alive with regular check-ins, collaborations, and personalized messages.

So… I encourage you to start building and nurturing your network now. Be genuine, get involved, and always add that personal touch. Your connections are the lifeline of your entrepreneurial journey, making everything a little less chaotic and a lot more exciting.

And since we’re talking about connections, what’s your best tip for building meaningful relationships online? Share your thoughts in the comments below—I’d love to hear them!

Shannon Pruitt

Word & Design Lover. General Officer of All Things (G.O.A.T) at Shannon Pruitt & Co. where we help modern entrepreneurs design a website that feels like home and pinpoints exactly what they want to say. Also loves a good glass of wine at night.

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